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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2019

Post 4 - What are some of your favourite hobbies / pastimes?

My favorite pastimes are listening to music and watching movies. I prefer the black music, which includes other styles of music such as jazz, rap, soul, R&B, funk, reggae, etc. But when I need stay awake and alert, I rather listen other styles like punk, metal, nü-metal or whatever similar. About the movies, I don’t discriminate in the types or styles, I just need to see it to know if I like it or not. But, generally the science fiction movies are my favorites (like Alien, an exquisite movie!). I like these things because I think (and feel) they are so expressive arts. You can feel a lot of sensations and emotions when you are on it.   You can feel from love to sadness, joy to loneliness, all this in one song or in a movie. It’s a journey through different emotions. And I love it. I think I acquired these feelings through the years, especially when I discover that you can download and save music or movies and put in your phone. That changed my life and my leisure times, h